Lautern's latest tractor fighter. Designated code name Skyly D. Said to be assigned to only ace pilots. Its exhaust turbines delivers tremendous power but requires great skill of its pilot. Teacher uses the Skyly J2 variant after he defects to Lautern, although it is unknown what modification the J2 variant has.
- Teacher (film)
Secondary Weapons:[]
- EPB x20
- LRG x648
- STG x54
- NPB x18
- The Skyly is the fusion of multiple aircraft designs, its fuselage borrows elements from the Supermarine Seafire FR.47, the Martin Baker MB5, Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-3, and the Focke-Wulf Ta 152, its wings are borrowed from the Fisher P-75 Eagle, and its turbochargers originated from the Nakajima Ki-87.
- In the movie, the J2 is often referred to as the "J-Zwei", with the J pronounced in English and the "2" pronounced in German.