Sky Crawlers: Innocent Aces Wiki

Here is a list of Maneuvers you can do in the game:

Immelmann Turn: []

After making a high speed diving attack on an enemy, the attacker would then zoom climb back up past the enemy aircraft, and just short of the stall, apply full rudder to yaw his aircraft around. This put his aircraft facing down at the enemy aircraft, making another high speed diving pass possible. This is a difficult maneuver to perform properly, as it involves precise control of the aircraft at low speed. With practice and proper use of all of the fighter's controls, the maneuver could be used to re-position the attacking aircraft to dive back down in any direction desired.

Split S: []

The Split S maneuver is contrasted with the Immelmann turn, which is an ascending half-loop that finishes with a half-roll out, resulting in level flight in the exact opposite direction at a higher altitude.

Kulbit Maneuver:[]

Is an aerial maneuver in which the aircraft performs an incredibly tight diametered loop, often not much wider than the length of the aircraft itself. It is an example of post-stall maneuvering, a type of supermaneuverability. Like most post-stall maneuvers, it demonstrates pitch control outside of the normal flight envelope wherein pitch control is made possible by having aerodynamic flow over the aircraft's elevators or stabilators. The Kulbit drastically decelerates the aircraft and could theoretically be used to cause a pursuing aircraft to overshoot its target.

Cobra Maneuver: []

Initially the pilot has to disengage the angle of attack limiter of the plane. This action also disengages the g limiter. After that the pilot must pull back on the stick hard. The aircraft reaches 90°–120° angle of attack with a slight gain of altitude and a significant loss of speed. When the elevator is centered, the drag at the rear of the plane causes torque, thus making the aircraft pitch forward. At that time the pilot must add power to compensate for the speed loss. In a properly performed Cobra, the plane maintains almost straight flight throughout the maneuver; the plane does not roll or yaw in either direction. Proper entry speed is significant because if entering too slow, the pilot might not be able to accomplish the maneuver; entering too fast might exceed the g-force limit of the plane and the pilot may suffer loss of consciousness.

Barrell Roll Right/Left: []

A barrel roll attack is a military maneuver that improves the attacker's offensive position and prevents the attacker from overshooting. In this maneuver the defender breaks one direction and so the attacker performs a barrel roll in the opposite direction. The attacker pulls back on the stick more than a normal barrel roll, performing a tighter loop than the roll. It is the three dimensional equivalent of a 90 degree turn, and the attacker finishes the loop, having completed three quarters of a roll, with the nose pointed along the defender's flight path.

Right/Left Turn:[]